অ্যাপটিতে ৬ ০ টি এর বেশি গান রয়েছে । ভিডিও দেখা যাবে ইউটিউব এর মাধ্যামে । ইউটিঊব এই অ্যাপ সংযুক্ত করা হয়েছে । ব্যবহার করার জন্য নেটওয়ার্ক সংযোগ থাকতে হবে । এই অ্যাপ এ তিনটি স্ক্রিন রয়েছে । প্রথম স্ক্রিন এ সব গানের তালিকা ভাগ করা হয়েছে । দ্বিতিয় স্ক্রিনে কয়েকটি গানের তালিকা এবং তৃতীয় স্ক্রিনে ভিডিওর মাধ্যমে একটি গান দেখানো হয়েছে । কিছু গানের তালিকা নিচে দেয়া হয়েছে ।
There are more than 60 kids songs app. Through YouTube's video can be viewed. Youtube This app has been attached. You must have a network connection to use. This app has three screens. The screen is divided into a list of all the kids songs . Second and third screen video screen is a list of some of the kids songs shown.Some kids songs are like
Megher kole rod heseche
Amra sobai raja
Hare re re re
Aj dhaner khete
Nil digonte
Venge more ghorer chabi
Tora je ja bolis
Momo chitte niti nritte
Aji jhoro jhoro
Gram chara oi ranga matir poth
Eso he boishakh
Lal jhuti
Fule dule dule
6 0 app is more than music. Through YouTube's video can be viewed. Iutiuba This app has been attached. You must have a network connection to use. This app has three screens. The screen is divided into the song list. List of some of the lyrics on the screen through the second and third of the video screen shows a song. Below are some of the songs.
There are more than 60 kids songs app. Through YouTube's video can be viewed. Youtube This app has been attached. You must have a network connection to use. This app has three screens. The screen is divided into a list of all the kids songs. Second and third screen video screen is a list of some of the kids songs shown.Some kids songs are like
Megher kole rod heseche
Amra sobai raja
Hare re re re
Aj dhaner khete
Nil digonte
Venge more ghorer chabi
Tora je ja bolis
Momo chitte niti nritte
Aji jhoro jhoro
Gram chara oi ranga matir poth
Eso he boishakh
Lal jhuti
Fule dule dule